Ad # #9880
published on 11-22-2020
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3 000.00 €


Excellent condition Mirage G4 M4 in the US
DOM 05/2008
fits a 150-170 or 190 LPV main canopy
fits around 5'8 - 6'2 "probs 160-205 lbs (170-185 cm / 75-90 kg)
I ' m 6 'and 200 lbs fits great, could go either way
freefly friendly, fully articulated, stainless steel hardware, semi-stowless D-bag, wingsuit length bridle, hook knife
inspected May 2019
PD Pulse 190 Main
DOM 07/2011
420 jump on it, inspected and due to reline after the next 60-80 jump
PD reserve 160
DOM 04/2008
just repacked in October, valid until May 2021
1 ride, 7 repack
AAD Vigil Quattro
DOM 03/2017

Tried adding pics but couldn't kindly contact me for pics

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